Contact Us:
Nightline is a confidential and impartial listening and information service run for students by students – who are there for YOU!
Whatever is on your mind, you can talk to Nightline. Even if you don’t feel like what is happening to you is serious or important, Nightline would still like to hear from you. If it’s on your mind, it’s worth talking about.
Nightline can also provide you with information about Norwich – anything from pizza deliveries or taxi numbers, to who to contact if you have a problem with your course or in your halls. Nightline also provides free contraception, including femidoms and dams, to c-card holders.
Nightline is open 8am - 8pm in term time, and you can get in contact in five different ways.​
The anonymous email system keeps your name and email address hidden (unless you put it in the body of the email). Just send it the usual way and nightline will strive to respond within 48 hours during term time (normally much quicker.)​
The online listening service uses a completely secure and confidential ‘web chat’ system, which means you can talk to nightline online in real time, much like Facebook or Google Chat, except your details are never disclosed to the listener at any stage. Only you and the Nightliner/s can see what you are typing and Nightline do not save the conversations. Typically, more than one Nightliner contributes to an online chat.

01603 597158
07794 924366