Contact Us:
International Students

International Students Officer:
Hi, I’m Aurora from Norway the International Students Officer at NUASU! I work with the university and other student officers to represent, support and campaign on behalf of international students at Norwich University. Let's work together to make Norwich Uni the best it can be for international students. 🙂
As a student officer, I sit on the Students’ Union Steering Committee and work alongside the SU President to ensure the interests, ideas and feedback of International Students are heard and acted on. Here are some of the things you can contact me about:
· Campaigns, projects or initiatives – if you have an idea, we want to hear it!
· Feedback, complaints or concerns relating to your experience of studying at NUA or living in Norwich.
· Representation of International students at SU, University and National level.
If you would like to get in touch, please contact me via:
Interested in this role?
Our Liberation officers are elected annually in the summer term and start their role from September. You can view the role description here. If you think you would be a great Disabilities officer, nominate yourself when elections open!
Support at NUA:
During your studies, Student Support are available to help with a wide range of issues that might affect you. Appointments are available between 10am and 4pm Monday - Friday, during term time and the holidays. Appointments are currently taking place remotely over Microsoft Teams or over the phone.
For appointments contact Student Support via, phone 01603 977977 or book through Student Enquiries in St Georges.
Find a quick summary of all Student Support Services here.
External support providers:
Language exchange - share, meet and learn with others in norwich looking to improve on or learn a new language.
New routes – support for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers settling in Norwich with volunteering opportunities for students.
Norwich International Youth Project – support for young people in Norfolk who are asylum seekers, refugees or otherwise displaced from their country of origin with volunteering opportunities for students.
Bridge PLUS - BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) led organisation with focus on supporting communities to come together with bookable spaces, events and peer support services.
Activism and Campaigns:
Our student officers are always on hand to discuss any campaigns or issues that can better support international students at NUA and living in Norwich. Recently in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Society worked hard to ensure members still felt part of a community and able to engage with each other even though in-person events were limited.
This National campaign aims to represent, support and improve the experiences of all international students in the UK. From fighting for fairer immigration policies to supporting the internationalisation of unions, the Campaign ensures the international student voice is heard. The International Officer and SU Presidents link into this work via official and ad-hoc NUS channels. You can find out more about this campaign here.