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President of Education and Representation
Daniel Dwyer
Proposer: Desmond Lau
Seconder: Mary "Hazel" Johnson
What are your objectives for your year in office?
To always be known as a fair and honest Student Union President.
To strive to run more collaborative campaigns with UEA.
To continue to create an easily accessible campus to disabled students.
To never compromise when representing underrepresented groups of the student body. (E.g: POC, LGBTQ+ etc…)
To help shape the image of the student union by being more of a reoccurring face to the students at Norwich
What policies would you deliver if you became Students’ Union President of Education and Representation?
To create push/pull signs around campus and work towards making an easier route-finding campus.
To create a separate quiet and multi-faith room, not just in location but a definition that students easily understand
To continue the efforts to keep a community pantry for students to gain from and give towards.
To create more student-based exhibitions that highlight different voices across our university and strive for UEA collaborations. (Black History Month, Disabled History Month etc…)
To represent student voices in Governor meetings, that lead to change.
What is the main change you want to see at Norwich University of the Arts and/or NUASU?
The main change that I strive to see happen at Norwich University of the Arts is more diversity and inclusion amongst the Student Body, not just in Sexuality and Gender but also in Race. Looking at the student numbers, we have a lot of students who identify differently in many ways but there is still room for growth, and a need to adapt and change.
What skills and experience do you bring to the role that make you the best candidate?
Many of the skills that I have gained, have been gained here at Norwich which I feel is an advantage to seamlessly integrate into the student union. I initially was the Student Representative for my course in my first year before becoming a Student Ambassador at the end of my first year, which are good roles when it comes to representing the university and those within it. I am also the current Student Governor, a role that allows me to work alongside the current SU and represent the many voices of students here at Norwich. I am also the current BAME Liberation Officer, a role that requires a lot of confidence and the ability to work in a team who helped create great campaigns such as the Black History Month student showcase and Lunar New Year Card-handout. My experience also goes beyond these four walls as I am very close with my old secondary school, going back there regularly to teach the younger years about university, apprenticeships and life after school.
What would you want to be remembered for after you completed your year as SU President of Education and Representation?
After my year in office, I would like to be remembered as a student union president that brought diversity to Norwich. There are still a lot of suppressed voices that do not see themselves within the university staff and cohort and I would like to be remembered as somebody who layered the foundation to changed that.